
Six Things That Happen When You Switch to Debit Cards

Switching to using debit cards only can be a great way to “detox” from the destructive spending habits that are sometimes created by credit cards.

Michael Reynolds | March 23, 2023

Everything You Need To Know About Quarterly Estimated Taxes

Worried about paying estimated quarterly taxes? Get an understanding of what they are, how to calculate them, and the importance of filing on time with this comprehensive guide.

Michael Reynolds | March 13, 2023

A List of Dumb Things I’ve Done With Money

If you struggle with feelings of shame around money, I hope that seeing my speed bumps along the way will help you feel less alone.

Michael Reynolds | March 6, 2023

Should I Form an LLC for My Business Activity?

The Limited Liability Company, or “LLC” is a very common type of business structure, and for good reason. It tends to be convenient and easy to establish and comes with some benefits to the owner. So how do you decide if you should form an LLC?

Michael Reynolds | March 5, 2023

Demystifying the Different Types of Tax Professionals

Let’s walk through the different types of tax professionals, their credentials, and what they do so you can be better informed as you seek help with taxes.

Michael Reynolds | February 22, 2023

The Five Most Common Life Insurance Mistakes

Even for those Americans who are insured, it’s very common to fall into some of the most common mistakes made with life insurance.

Michael Reynolds | February 16, 2023

Three Automations to Improve the Flow of Money in Your Life

There are three primary areas of money that I’ve found to be most effective to automate. If you set up automatic recurring transfers in these key areas, you will be on your way to enjoying much more financial stability and lower stress.

Michael Reynolds | February 9, 2023

What Does it Mean to "Pay Yourself First?"

So what does it mean to pay yourself first and more importantly, is it a good idea?

Michael Reynolds | February 2, 2023

Should I Put My Emergency Fund in I Bonds?

While they don’t really make sense as an investment (since the interest rate is not designed to outpace inflation), I Bonds can serve as a vehicle for others parts of your financial plan, including your emergency fund.

Michael Reynolds | January 31, 2023